Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pecha Kucha Distress

So pecha kucha eh? Scowering the internet image databases for pertinent visuals to add to my presentation...not as easy as you might think. Plus i don't even have a topic for my presentation. I'm hoping that by scanning some images something might click in my brain and i'll go yes, that's it! So far I've got nothing though. I am extremely excited to do this project, but finding a jumping off point is always the hardest part. I want to get this right; afterall, I am going in the PR and Advertising world in 3 months and i should probably know how to give a killer presentation. I was thinking possibly...arguing the fact that Michelle Kwan should have won the Olympic gold medal in 1998 over newcomer Tara Lipinski, but i'm not sure how my classmates will relate to such a topic. Most of them probably aren't familiar with the sport of figure skating. Then i was thinking about making a persuasive argument about why people should join P.O.W.E.R (Planet of Women Equality & Respect) but then i remember i hardly enjoy being in POWER so how am i going to convince other people to join??? Also, another problem for recruiting members come May (off topic, sorry). What about....hmmm...addressing the different ways in which to job hunt successfully in a very poor economy? That might be a winner. I am going to a workshop on the very subject @ 7 tonight so perhaps i'll gain some new knowledge that i can use in my presentation. As for now i am still brainstorming...i'll let you know if i come up with anything brilliant! ;-)

talk soon,

Elle Bee XOXO

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